Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chest Explosion!

Anxiety is a freakin' big bag of nutballs.

Okay, I'm sure I could have put it much more eloquently, but it'd really do a disservice to just how crazy I am feeling right now, or anytime I am in one of my anxious moments. They happen now more than ever, and I could attribute it to many different factors, but what good does that do?

So I've always been a bit of an over-thinker, so that doesn't help. Then there's the lack of emotional control which seems to be kinda new and I assume due to the ever-growing MS Fun Time Happy Carnival. That seems to make it worse. Of course, I can always just blame circumstances, which seem to not be so much in my favor... THANKS CIRCUMSTANCES! Either way, it just all builds up and wants to escape and turns me into one of those little nervous, shaky, twisty dogs that pee when a stranger comes up to pet them.

Don't worry. I don't think I have to pee.

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